Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Statistically, my daughter should be completely potty trained. We started potty training a year ago. She caught on really quickly and we granted her "big girl underpants". But now she is regressing. A lot. We put her back in pullups and she isn't unhappy.

I'm not really sure if it's because of the trail of miscarriages and all the talk of babies or if it was the stress from the move from our previous house... but she has started to 1) forget to use the bathroom 2) refuse to use the bathroom or 3) be afraid to use the bathroom b/c of her chronic painful constipation. It's so frustrating to train a child in basic bodily functionality and have them not use that knowledge. So very frustrating.

I'm not asking for advice, by the way. No offense. I've just about heard it all and it makes me feel... I don't know... unsuccessful as a mother. I'm just weary of cleaning poop on a little girl who clearly knows how to do it herself. I need patience and encouragement.


andrea said...

Isn't it a shame that they make pull-ups so cute that kids actually WANT to wear them?

Unknown said...

I agree...make the pull-ups out of alcohol-infused sandpaper, and you're REALLY see results. ;)

Short Stop said...

I feel for you, Em. I'm in the same boat with Jack right now. AND, I don't like it when people give me advice about it. Besides the sleep deprivation when they're newborns, I think potty training has been the hardest part of mothering for me so far. We started Jack at 18 months, and we're still working on it! Praying for you!

Kris said...

Em, I hear you, I'm not sure I can go through potty training again. Don't they have a boot camp for this yet?