Monday, June 4, 2007


This weekend Dan took a fall. He was carrying Morgan downstairs, skipped a stepped, tried to recover, did a mid-air hokey pokey and then landed. Directly on his knees. For a few seconds, he didn't move at all. I thought his knees were broken.

He said he had to land that way to keep Morgan from falling. What a dad.

I gave him some ice and then Morgan attended to him. Here's where it gets good. First, after determining that he needs to keep the ice on his "boo-boo", Morgan thought it would be a good idea if Mommy and Morgan showed Daddy how to walk down the stairs: "Daddy, we'll show you how to walk down the stairs. You don't fall. Watch Mommy and Morgan." I stifled a laugh and obediently followed my overly exaggerative daughter on how to slowly walk down the stairs.

Then she had a chat with him. "Daddy, you should go to big people school to learn how to walk down the stairs, okay?" Nevermind that he sacrificed his knees for her well-being. She was extremely condescending. It was entertaining.

Dan will be more mindful of the stairs. Mostly because a Morgan chastisement is far worse. And he thought I was the nag.


Short Stop said...

I miss Emily. At least I can read your blog and keep up with you now. I'm thoroughly enjoying it!

Emily Dykstra said...

Thanks, Sar. I love reading your blog as well. It makes me feel like I am RIGHT THERE.

You make me homesick.