Monday, June 4, 2007

Changes of clothes

This was a classic "what happens when you're not settled in kind of day". This is the reason people don't like to move. A singular example of what happens when we can't get Morgan's clothes situation right:

Morgan kept pooping in her pants. We had to have some changes of clothes.

However, I hadn't kept up with the laundry because of other house needs.

Also, her CLEAN clothes were in a messy heap on the floor.

The clothes were in a messy heap on the floor because the chest of drawers Dan's folks thought they could give us didn't work out so we had to order one. (Thanks for trying, though, Mom and Dad.)

In the meantime, I put the clothes in nice piles (pants, shirts, etc.) on the floor but we had to move them for the carpet cleaners to come last Friday so I stuffed them in a bag.

But the carpet cleaners never came, so the clothes are still spilled out on the floor.

And somehow in the past 3 weeks since we moved, Morgan has outgrown her shoes and lost almost all matching socks.

Which means that every time she messes her clothes, it's a great big treasure hunt to find new ones that either match or fit.

The good news:
1. Morgan's dresser should arrive this week.

2. We went out to Target tonight and bought her a bevvy of new socks and some new shoes.

3. We're doing laundry tonight.

4. We're still a happy family, albeit frazzled.

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