Friday, June 15, 2007

Swept Away

I mentioned in my last post that my friend Cari came over today. I should've taken a photo of her to prove her existence, but I didn't. :)

Anyway, as a house warming gift, she bought me this hilarious broom. It makes me smile just looking at it. It has this rather odd way of making me WANT to do housework, just so I can be seen with the happy rainbow of it's handle.

Morgan also took a liking to this broom immediately. Sensing that it's vibrancy would garner more attention than her golden locks, she quickly took the broom in hand, intending to sweep the floor. Her short height made for a fulcrum, however, and the broom "attacked" her. She landed thudfully (it IS a word, I tell you) on the floor with a whimper. Quickly assessing that the broom was STILL getting more attention than she was, Morgan bumped the volume of her whimper up to a full blown cry. And then, further realizing that our new guests were concerned about her fall, she gave a bellow that could put an air raid siren to shame.

All this because of a happy broom. hehehe. Something tells me that she wouldn't take kindly to a sibling one day.

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