Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Gastro Fun, Here I Come!

I have mentioned my recent self-imposed B.R.A.T. diet in several postings. But I haven't had the energy until now to discuss the reason for all this gastro-intestinal fun.

It appears that I have acid reflux, the silent variety. Apparently silent acid reflux can manifest symtoms similar to asthma and have no heartburn whatsoever, thus the reason for the name "silent". I suffered from breathing so much that my friend Beth Tukker took me on a quick tour of Aurora, IL en route to the emergency room last week. They declared me healthy. I quickly googled all my symptoms online and gave myself a diagnosis of acid reflux. The remedy for this ailment is either a) a prescription or b) 2 tablespoons of acid cider vinegar thrice a day. I got the acid cider vinegar tablets last week and I'm breathing a lot better.

In case you're wondering, I did see a general doc earlier and she gave me two inhalers. Seventy dollars of fun later and the inhalers were not working. I noticed that my breathing worsened whenever I ate. (Clue #1)

I also read online that acid reflux is triggered by lifting of heavy objects, stress and a lot of bending over. Which would explain why my symptoms started when I started packing back in our previous house. (Clue #2)

I'm trying to stay on this bland diet, but it's really hard when my friend Ann Vandermeer made FIVE (or was it SIX) mini tantalizing desserts for our last night of small group. Additionally, my friend Sarah Short (from my Baltimore days) is teasing me with DAILY pics of her latest culinary creations. Check them out: http://grshortstop.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

Short Stop said...

I hope you'll be feeling better soon! :)