Friday, June 15, 2007

Owen Fun

I had my friend Cari Owen over today. She and I worked at Sanford together on some great projects. She was my Art Director and we had a blast.

Then we had kids. We still had a blast working together but our creative moments at work were peppered with day care phone calls and last minute doctor appointments. Oh, and one time Morgan bit someone at daycare, they quarantined her from the other children and I had to pick her up immediately. She was labeled as a "biter", a nomination given gladly by my better, yet younger, 16-year old child counselor at Kindercare. But I digress. Point is, it's darn hard to be creative and keep up friendships with little squirts in tow.

So we met today and had a great time catching up. Here are some photos to prove that fun was had by our offspring. Believe it or not, they actually WANTED to contain themselves in these metal toy bins.

Oh, how rude of me... Cari's son is named Jack. What a sweetie.

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