Monday, June 18, 2007

Dinner is served

Dear Martha Stewart,

You'll be proud of me. Tonight, after playing all day with my daughter, I decided to keep dinner simple.

For the first course I served formed meat-ish cylinders.

I decided to accompany this entree with a 2007 Pinot Grigio. It was a very good year.

And then, to round out the meal, I added a splash of Spongebob Mac 'n Cheese for whimsy and some baby carrots for color.

Feel free to have me on your show. I do have some availability in my schedule in August.

Emily Dykstra, domestic goddess


Short Stop said...

If I could sit across the table from my friend, Emily, at this meal, you'd be hard pressed to find a happier dinner guest!

Emily Dykstra said...

Aw, shucks. Wine makes ANYTHING seem fancy. :)

I'd love your company, Sarah.

Sheryl said...

Looks like a fantastic meal, Emily! I'm so *sniff* PROUD of you! :)

Anonymous said...

Now, if you'd given Morgan the wine BEFORE nap time, you probably wouldn't have had the pillow case, poking debacle. :)

Betty Miller said...

Just got the time to read some blogs. My kids used to call me at work and ask "what are you making for dinner?" - exasparated that they weren't offering to make it, I'd say "GUM"!!!!!