Friday, June 8, 2007


*sigh* I can't believe I'm doing this. It goes against every fiber of my being but... it's for my little sis.

An introduction: My youngest sister, who I'll call "Rebecca", even though that is in FACT her name, is my alter ego. She is the yang to my yin and quite honestly I covet her "devil may care" rakishness. Being the older sister, I find it necessary to dot all her "i's" when she's very capable of doing it herself.

So here's the scoop: My sister is a poor student (or so she says) and she wants to drum up some cash for diving school. So, if you go to her blogspot and click on the ads, she gets 1 penny per click. I did it once and didn't feel as dirty as I thought I would.

A caveat: My sister has taken to showing a photo of her boyfriend and herself smooching on the blogspot. It's kind of cute, actually. For all I know, that's the added bonus you needed to click away.

Oh, and one more thing: Don't tell my Dad that they're kissing on the blog. My father thinks Charlie is her science tutor. ;) J/K


Charlie Pratt said...

I am her science tutor. Why, what have you heard?

Emily Dykstra said...

Oh, hi, Charlie! Hey, if you see my sister (the one that calls herself "Rebecca") would you be so kind as to remind her of my existence? Maybe a phone call? An email? I know she's in love with you and all, but a quick hello would be great.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing what the internet is capable of these days... email, instant messenger, online shopping and just added, online guilt. Yay! :) I love you, Em, and I'm sorry I've been so difficult to get a hold of. You're right... it's all Charlie's fault. So blame him! (I do!)

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way... I had no idea you had a blog... I just read through and I love it! Way to go seester!