Calling Dr Jekyl. Dr Jekyl? Morgan to see you, sir. Something about turning 4.
Where did my funny, somewhat amicable 3 year old daughter go? We are having power trips left and right. And they're always over something ridiculous. And they're mostly done in public. To the outsider, they probably sound silly. But my Morgan knows how to trip my trigger.
Before I go on, I want to disclaim that this is NOT intended to be a slam fest on my daughter. No sirree. Just 4 year olds in general.
Example 1:Morgan wants something to drink. Morgan's Plan of Attack: She comes up to me and says, "Water."
I reply, "I'm sorry. Did you want something, Morgan? How do you ask for it?
Morgan: "Water. Please."
Mommy Responds: "Use your whole sentence, sweety."
Morgan: *sigh* "Can-I-please-have-some-water-thanks."
We do this runaround about 20 times a day. Twenty. Roughly the age I expect she'll be when we can stop this fancy pants dance.
Example 2: Morgan disagrees with me.
Morgan's Plan of Attack: She first alerts me to this fact by zerberting into the air. "THBBBBB", her tongue informs me.
I give her that classic disappointed Mom smile. And then I proceed to ask her to do the aforementioned deed.
With a completely straight face she turns to me and belts "NO" and continues to stand expressionless.
Mommy Responds: Time out. Talking.
We do this runaround about 5-10 times a day. They're particularly fun in public shopping areas.Example 3:Morgan doesn't want to hold my hand anymore.
Morgan's plan of attack: Hold Mommy's hand reluctantly and drag feet as much as possible. Try to make Mommy look like she's pulling arm out of socket and periodically complain about the pulling. Act like hostage.
Mommy Responds: This one is tricky. I tried slowing down my walking speed, but the only way I don't pull her along is when she and I are both standing still. Which defeats the point of destination walking, no? At this point, I try to tell her why we're walking and why it is important that we keep doing so. This may involve bribes.
We do this gig at every errand run. My challenge for you, gentle readers, is to help me cope/enjoy this age. Please note that I may ask you to come over to my abode and SHOW me how your idea works. This may involve several days worth of observation, so pack a suitcase.
*sigh* Tired momma, signing out.