Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Toe Jam

TOE 1: Captain, we have a problem.

BIG TOE: What is it Lieutenant?

TOE 1: It's the stomach. She's getting too much attention. We need a diversion and quick.

BIG TOE: I take it you have an idea.

TOE 1: I'm willing to take one for the team, Sir.

Are you sure it's worth it, Flipper? Do the metatarsals know?

TOE 1: There's no other way, sir. We need to regain our ground. Permission to sprain?

BIG TOE: *sigh* Permission granted. And godspeed.


Translation: Slipped at the pool today. Apparently my feet want more attention.

Disclaimer: The white stuff on my foot is the sticky goo from the tape that I used on my foot. Or maybe its fungus.


Sittintall said...

That is hilarious. What in the world goes on in that brain of yours? You are too creative with your thoughts.

andrea said...

ow!!! That's the kind of pain that I keel over and nearly gag on; it hurts so bad to bang up the toes! I hope you feel better soon (all the way around)!

Short Stop said...

How nice of your toes to help out your tummy! Ouch, though. I feel for you!

This post is classic Emily!

Sheryl said...

You sure have a way w/ adding humor to tragedy!!
OUCH Lady! Hope your toe heals quickly! At least it's summer and you don't have to try to jam your feet into boots! That would stink - course then again you wouldn't be spraining your toe at the pool if it were winter...ok I'll stop talking now.

A girl who loves said...

I am feeling a guilty pang. Well, at least you had fun at the cement pond.

Kris said...

Very funny post, not so funny pain. Thinking of you..

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Ouch! Hope you heal soon!

Betty Miller said...

I LOVE diversion therapy!!!!