Sunday, July 13, 2008

Daily Bread

They say that it takes 21 days for a behavior to become a  habit. 

If that's the case, there are several behaviors I have had to learn in this pregnancy that I wouldn't mind keeping:

1. Being flexible.
Each day, I never know what the day holds as far as health and energy. Plans change a lot. I'm learning to simplify, keep life flexible and not get wrapped around the axle when I have to cancel plans. 

2. Possibly disappointing people. 
I'm learning to let people be disappointed by my lessened involvement in their life. I've had the "luxury" of having one child and being pretty flexible with my schedule. But life is changing a lot. I'm learning to let people have faith in our friendship, have faith that I still love them and, more importantly, have faith in God's perfect love for them. This is especially difficult when I have to disappoint Morgan, who I love so very much. But sometimes I have to be sick all day while she is unhappy with my lack of involvement. 

3. Listening to my emotional and bodily signals.
Um, no, I'm not talking about bodily functions. When my body is tired, I try to listen to it, even if it's the ridiculous hour of 9am and I'm exhausted. Raising a child is energy-expending work and so is growing one. 
And when my mind says, "You should be planning a nursery and preparing for the days ahead" but my emotions say, "No, thanks... I'm not ready," I'm learning to not feel guilty about my emotional timing. There's probably a good reason and no use forcing the issue.

It's a funny time of life--learning to downscale on so many levels-- but the lessons are really good.


Short Stop said...

GREAT thoughts to yourself, Em. I can remember thinking each of those things this last time I was pregnant.

But, I agree wtih you. They are such good things to remember even after you're holding that precious baby.

Kris said...

Em, you have such a great perspective on this pregnancy. Your thoughts ring so true, always.

Jenni S. said...

I, myself, am learning the whole flexibility thing right now which has been difficult for my little Type-A brain. But a necessary lesson for a mommy. Thanks for sharing what you are learning.