Monday, July 14, 2008

Miss Said

Spoken loudly at Panera for dinner tonight. 

Morgan: "Mom, I'm cold. Look at my arms! I have nipples all over them! Do you see my nipples? My small nipples?"

Could she possibly say that word any more?


Morgan: "Can we read that book about wasps-ps-ps?"

She can't seem to stop saying the "ps" at the end.


Morgan: "I think they're on bacation."

Awww... still has trouble saying her v's. 


Some friends at a picnic told me that Morgan told them this right as they were chowing down. I pretended I didn't know her.

Morgan: "My mommy is having a baby. It's going to come out from between her legs."



Sittintall said...

Lovely. Gotta love a candid kid. She sure is excited about this baby too isn't she?

Jenni S. said...

LOL at the first story!!!! She really keeps you on your toes doesn't she (in an endearing sort of way). :)

Short Stop said...


Jack still says "b" instead of "v", too. It makes me giggle.

Anonymous said...

I know it's not very polite to laugh at the embarassing moments you have with your precious daughter, but thanks for making me laugh out loud at the expense of your child :) The silly INNOCENT things children say, eh? :)

Kris said...

Love the "nipples" story. Oh, and C was there for the "where babies come from" conversation...he found it hilarious!