Monday, July 21, 2008

Weekend Fun

We just got back from Iowa this evening.
The suitcases are piled in the kitchen eating area.
My husband is already asleep on the couch.
And Morgan is playing after being cooped up in the car for 7 hours.

It was a good trip. We went to celebrate Dan's folks' 40th anniversary. Wow. What a beautiful thing to celebrate. They're totally still in love with each other and flirt shamelessly. I love it.

There were a few Morganisms over the weekend that I thought I'd share as well:

Morgan: "Grandma, do you want to come to my 5th birthday party?" (It's in October.)
Grandma: "I sure do, Morgan!"
Morgan: "Great! I'll make two inbitations. One for you and one for Grandpa. You want to come too, Aunt Jill? I can make you an inbitation, too."

Is it bad that I didn't correct her? :)

Morgan was watching Shrek 3 in the back seat. Suddenly she burst out with this question: "Um, Dad... why are the girls in this movie burning their bras?"
(I had forgotten about that scene. Lovely.)
I was laughing too hysterically to remember how Dan answered her. Delicately, as I recall.

Morgan caught on to how Grandpa sneaks kisses:
Grandpa: "Morgan, come here! I have a secret for you!"
Morgan: (Hesitantly)..."It's not that 'I love you' one again, is it?"


On the road:
Morgan: "Are we still in Grandpa and Grandma-ville?"
Dan (laughing): "Yes, we're still in Iowa."


Morgan was frustrated that I didn't understand her idea about something:
"What I meanted, Mom, was that you need water. That's what I meanted."

She had a very grown up look on her face. I stifled my laugh.


Short Stop said...

I say don't correct her. She'll figure it out soon enough and then it will be gone forever. :( If she's still doing it her senior year of high school, then you might want to correct her before she goes to college.

She's a doll.

Mercy said...

How very precious Em! Treasure those moments and words... they go by way to quickly and, yes, you do forget all the details. I'm glad you're recording and sharing them here.