Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sounds of Music

I took a page out of my friend Sarah's book to write this one:

Screaming: "Debbie's here! Debbie's here!" Morgan is relieved that Debbie came on Tuesday to take her to see friends. Sick mommies are no fun, but Debbies are lots of fun.

Delirious Laughter: Upon hearing that our dryer is on the fritz and the washer has a full load of wet clothes. Can you believe it?

*sigh* of Relief: Upon waking up this morning without the headache and severe nausea I've had for two days. Thank you, God.

Giggling: Having Dan come into our room at 5am to have an early morning date: We watched Arrested Development. He still smells like onions to me, so he watches the show on the floor while I'm in bed. Still, a really fun date. I miss this guy. (He sleeps downstairs for now until my nausea subsides.)

Dumbfounded Silence: Upon ordering a bagel in the Dunkin Donuts drive thru and hearing a strange story from the employee. I told him I had a pregnancy craving for Sesame bagels. In an effort to relate to my pregnancy story, he told me that his girlfriend just had a baby. After he left her. But he's still on good terms with his ex (and child?) What would you say? I said, "Thank you for the bagel."

That low "hmmm" smile/sound mothers make when their child does something right: Every time Morgan prays. Or shares. Or draws a funny picture.

Gasp: Watching this video of my friends' son Alex. You've got a baseball scholarship coming your way, Marc and Sar!

1 comment:

Jenni S. said...

I can SO relate to the home issues. Hang in there. Eventually there's nothing left to fix. I think we finally got there a couple weeks ago.