Sunday, July 6, 2008

What's That Smell?

Earlier this week my husband and I noticed a strange smell coming from Morgan's room. At first it was just irritating and we thought it might be a smelly sock. 

Or 20 smelly socks. 

But then it got downright toxic and we had her sleep in another room. We considered calling Nicor Gas to see if there was a leak. But the smell was isolated to her room; we banished the idea that gas smell chose to stay to a 4 year old's domicile. 

I was about to send Dan up to the attic to see if a bird decided to take it's life in the rafters above Morgan's ceiling. It was kind of far fetched but desperate times call for crazy-headed madness. Besides, we just closed up the 13 entrances in the roof that the birds had been using as revolving doors to our attic. (Recall my earlier post on contractors.) Revenge was in the air.

Fast forward to last night. After a whole day of airing out said child's room, the smell was intolerable. Morgan fessed up: "It's in my closet." 

Before her bedtime, Dan found a baby doll bathtub in her closet filled with some stagnant water and toilet tissue. Mommy Morgan had apparently been up to her maternal duties. The water was in the pre-mildew stage, but man was it awful. 

We quickly cleaned up what we could of the situation at that late hour and attempted to watch a movie in our bedroom. 

Morgan fussed to Dan that she needed the little sink to her kitchen set before she went to bed and for some reason he complied and got it from downstairs. When you're that tired, you just assume that little kids have strange security issues about their possessions.

We should've known better.

Within the next 10 minutes, Morgan must have made 10 trips to the bathroom. And no toilet was flushing. My Mommy radar was up, "Dan, I bet that child of ours is filling up that play sink with water."

I am so smart. 

I walked into her room to find our happy little domesticator washing dishes. Instead of sleeping.

I was less sympathetic to her domestic cause and put on my "Mommy ain't happy" face. 

We put a strict "no water in the bedroom" rule in effect immediately and all but tied our 4 year old to her mattress.

Sleep came strongly that night.


Mercy said...

okay, your child makes sandie's early childhood years seem angelic. and if you're wondering what that means, ask sarah.

Short Stop said...

Oh, Em. What are you gonna do with that girl? If you figure it out, can you tell me? I'm desperately trying to figure out what to do with Jack! :)

Sittintall said...

Wow....just wow! That girl has some serious pent up creativity. She keeps you hoppin!

Jenni S. said...

LOL. Oh my. I see what I have to look forward to with Anna because it seriously sounds like something she'd do.