Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pregnancy Update

Due to the swarms of people wanting to know about my bodily functions *ha*, I thought I'd give a pregnancy update.

Firstly, le bebe is all manner of sciatic fun. When I lay on my sides, that magical tingling sensation creeps up my limbs. This really surprises me because I didn't have this with Morgan until later in the pregnancy, like when she got a lot heavier. And though the kiddo is only a few oz. in weight, when I lay on my back, it's amazing how weird that weight feels. I marvel at its growth. 

Secondly, in light of "sciatic fun", it appears that we are now in the market for le La-Z-Boy recliner. *score* I slept in one of these recliners the last part of my pregnancy with Morgan and it really helped me to sleep more soundly. We have since departed with that recliner. Plus, I'm probably in the minority saying this, but I'd rather have a recliner than a glider for the baby's room. 

Thirdly, nausea and the effects thereof have made an encore performance. They're not nearly as bad as earlier in the pregnancy and I think they're due to the summer heat. Nevertheless, I totally deserve a rebate. First trimester sickness my foot. *wink*

Lastly, this probably goes without saying, but this pregnancy is a real kicker. (Pun recognized.) I think all my inner organs have received the benefit of its little blows. I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Sir Kickalot showing its cute face in December. Maybe this isn't just a terrible flu after all. :)


Renee said...

I don't think I've commented since you posted that you are pregnant. So there's something I want to say...


I hope the La-Z-Boy helps you feel more comfortable, and that you continue to feel more and more hopeful about Sir Kicksalot. :)

Jenni S. said...

Good luck recliner shopping! Oh, and I love the way in which you can at least write about the humor of the situation - even if it's not always funny in real life.

Hang in there!

Short Stop said...

First, you look FABULOUS! I loved seeing you pregnant; walking through the door and seeing you smiling with that baby belly brought pure joy to my heart!

I LOVED sleeping in a recliner when I was pregnant w/ Jack. Even the couch got more comfortable than my bed.

I hope your nausea is gone soon, Em. I'm praying.

Sir (or Madame) Kickalot: Can't wait to meet him/her!!