Thursday, July 3, 2008

To the AP

Dear Associated Pr*ess,

When I read the headlines of the day, I feel compelled to go back to bed. 

I know that precious lives have been lost and terrible things are happening in the world. I'm not one of those "rose colored glasses" sort of people.

But do 90% of the headlines have to be negative? Hurtful? Hopeless?

I know that there are some good things happening, too. Redemptive-type things. 

So I'm going to where I can read about the Chinese unborn baby and mother who survived the earthquake. *sigh* Isn't she amazingly beautiful? 

I know you have a civic-ish duty to give us the scoop on the world, but if you give a more balanced view of the redemption, the beauty and the joy as well as the sorrow, it would be appreciated.

Sincerely, The World


Mercy said...

Thanks for that link. I feel the same way.

Short Stop said...

I couldn't agree more.

Jenni S. said...

Oh I am SO going to that site. Thank you for sharing it. And I totally agree.