Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Playdate Rebate *wink*

Dear Kris,
Thanks for the playdate. It was fun to hang out with you and your 3 kiddos today.

Surprisingly, the water fun and your troops did not wear Morgan out enough. (See pic.)

So much for "quiet time" today. In retrospect, it was a little too quiet.

Love, Em


andrea said...

Barbie was just donating to Locks of Love, Em! Seems to me I had a sister who did that, too!

Kris said...

Oh dear. Too bad we can't just say, "It'll grow back."

Next time, obstacle courses and jumping jacks! That should do it!

Sittintall said...

Ouch! Although, Barbie does seem to look pretty good with a bob!

Jenni S. said...

Look at Barbie all stylin'! I remember doing that to my own Barbies and my mom just kind of shaking her head...

Unknown said...

Ehh...'bout time Barbie ditched the flowing tresses anyway. Sooner or later, it get all tangled in her bicycle/scooter/atv or any other dang thing Mattel shoved in her garage.

At least Morgan didn't give her the "crazy Britney" look and shave her bald. ;)