Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Mother's Thoughts

And so it begins.

Today one mother in Morgan's new swim class was letting the teacher know that my daughter was holding her son back from learning. Ugh. I wasn't there but apparently it wasn't done with tact.

My daughter was enrolled in the lowest level swim class available. 

Her son had two more levels of advanced placement swim classes available. But she didn't want those.

In God's providence, I was sick this morning and Debbie, my angelic helper, had to take Morgan to class. Debbie even got in the pool with Morgan and helped the teacher by freeing up his time with other students.

But the other mother still complained.

If this mother complained about me, I'd be able to take it. But when she talked about my daughter as a burden, the momma bear in me wanted to do terrible, terrible things to this woman. I even practiced a mean speech in front of my bathroom mirror. I did. How dare she speak disparagingly about my daughter that way. I'm still seething.

But then this: God gave his own son to be insulted and ultimately killed by the world. He loved his enemies.

God, give me grace to love those who hurt me, but much more to those who hurt my child. I'm going to need it. At the same time, give me wisdom with how to protect and grow my child in this competitive world. Protect, but not coddle. 


Addendum: I did end up signing Morgan up for a more private swim class where she'll receive much more gentle attention.

Besides, my daughter, who was afraid to stick her head in the water yesterday, blew nose bubbles in the water today! Good job, Morgan. You're brave. 


Jenni S. said...

Oh Emily, I am right there with you in terms of finding that balance. Ruthie starts preschool this fall and to be completely honest, I'm terrified of putting her in a place where I cannot always protect her. My mother's heart can't bear the thought of seeing hers hurt.

I loved your prayer at the end - I may adopt that for the ride to school each day. :)

Sittintall said...

Thus starts the journey of our children facing the world on their own. That's a tough one. I would have been upset too. It's moments like these where I sometimes think...maybe homeschooling is the best way...of course you can't shelter your kids forever either. Your prayer was a good one and thankfully you have the faith that God will help you through this one.
I'm thinking that even though I may have not been very good at praying in the past, I will soon be relying on God in a more fervant way.