Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Strange Days

This is such a funny time of life. As if I was ever really in control in the first place, I have to make plans that go something like this:

"Sounds like fun! I'll try to make it."

Each morning I consult my gastrointestinal intruder to see if this will be a bed day or an "on my feet" day. 

I don't like to be inconsistent or not reliable. It's funny to be in church or at a friend's function one week and then be totally bedridden the next time. I feel like I'm dissing my friends with some lame excuse about being sick, esp. when I can make one function early in the day but not another later in the day. This is one strange pregnancy. 

I'm off to bed now. This precious little one is taking its time growing. 


Jenni S. said...

Hope you're feeling better by the time you read this!

Janice said...

I teased all my friends who recently had their first baby that they finally have an understanding of lupus. Reading your post is like reading something I wrote. I've learned people understand though and we have no control... Just keep in mind that beautiful baby you get at the end! Plus you have years of telling him/her "I went through months of being sick to bring you here"...