Saturday, July 26, 2008

P*tty Talk

If you don't like p*tty talk, you won't like to read this post. You're warned. :)

This morning the toilet kept flushing in Morgan's bathroom. Then I heard her making exasperated sounds. Ugh. I got up and asked her why she was flushing so much.

"Because," she said very candidly, "I want to leave the bathroom when the toilet sound is still on. And it keeps going off." 

*sigh* My daughter thinks odd thoughts. 
At early morning hours. 
On Saturday mornings when I should be able to turn my brain to "low".

It was 6:30 in the morning and I had no intention of being diplomatic momma. I told her to stop it. 

Dan was wondering why our water bill was so high this month. 


I gave Morgan the "V" talk. I didn't want to give this talk to her until she was older, but I did. Last week. 

Some kids were telling her that babies come out of other places and I wanted her to know the truth.

So this morning, after our "toilet flushing" talk, she asked me to tell her the story again. I don't even like the "V" word, but I told her again about her body. And then I read her a book about babies and how they grow in the womb. 

Morgan has been very excited to learn about her body. As Dan was going to work the other day, she screamed at him from another room, "Dad! Did you know that girls have THREE holes and one of them is a BABY HOLE?" 

There was a moment of awkward silence and then:  "Gotta go!" Dan said as he bolted for the door. 


Jenni S. said...

LOL! That is HI-larious. Especially Dan's reaction. :)

Short Stop said...

Seeing Dan's face at dinner when you said "the v-word" was HILARIOUS!

I let Jason handle the talks around here. :)