Saturday, July 26, 2008

Morgan Grace

As much as I bark about Morgan's idiosyncrasies, she is very much my grace right now. Strange and wonderful child that she is.

She sings songs about random and beautiful things in her life.

She forces me to embrace each day with as much energy as possible.

She talks to my tummy, to the baby that is.

And the other day, she told me she wanted to buy a pink rattle for the baby. A present for her little sib.

I felt a little awkward about that one.

I've intentionally quieted my heart about this pregnancy for reasons that I'm sure everyone has heard entirely too much. 

I have gotten to the point where I will thank God for my "daily bread" pregnancy... "for this day's kicking fetus, I thank You." But for tomorrow, well, I don't like to go there. The thoughts for today are enough.

I think God is telling me to celebrate a little more. He's using Morgan to do so. He's allowing her to be the emotions that I haven't dared to embrace. 
Buy the baby a present?
Think about the baby on this side of Wombville? 

I'm reminded of the Christmas Carol lyrics "Let every heart prepare Him room..." 

It's entirely appropriate for Morgan to request this gift. 
What a gift this little girl is to me.


Jenni S. said...

I have a friend struggling with this very thing right now - I know where you are coming from. Praise God that you are able to see Him working in your life through her.

Short Stop said...

The song Jason used in my Mother's Day Video is called, "Grace".

There is this line, "'s the name of a girl..."

That's your Morgan right now.