Thursday, July 10, 2008


Morgan mutters to herself: "Oh, I keep mixing up letters and numbers."

Morgan: "Mom, is there an 'M' on the clock?"

Emily: "Um, no. Why do you ask?"

Morgan: "Well I have a '7' and a '0'... what else is on a clock?"

Emily: "How about the number '5'?"

Morgan: "Great." She hands me a piece of paper. "Here is when you can get up tomorrow morning."

The paper said "507".


Morgan: "Mom, I think you should have LOTS of babies. Not just this one."


Emily: "Why is that?"

Morgan: "Well, simply put..." and then she proceeded to talk about how wonderful babies were and tangented off into another story.

It was all but "simply put". :)

1 comment:

Jenni S. said...

Lily apparently got Morgan's note about the early rising today (she had us up at 4 AM this morning due to some teeth growing). Oh I hope I get to meet her some day - she seems like such a little spitfire and I used to be one of those. LOL. (I also have one to fulfill the whole mother's curse of "I hope you have a daughter like you someday.")