Thursday, September 11, 2008


Morgan: "I'm rubbing my eyes on you."

Emily: "What does that mean?"

Morgan: "It means that I've got my eyes on you."

Morgan: "I can't finish my grapes."

Emily: "Why not?"

Morgan: "It makes my heart useful."

Trying. Not to. Laugh. At her. New. Vocabulary.

Morgan: "Mom, what is this part of my leg called?"

Emily: "That's your calf."

Morgan: "Oh. It doesn't work too good," she said, poking it.

Emily: "What do you mean?"

Morgan: "It doesn't jiggle. Like yours."

Note to self: Buy treadmill. Run hindquarters off as soon as baby is birthed.


andrea said...

You're in good company; my calfs jiggle a bit too!

Sittintall said...

Gotta love the jiggle! Oh the honesty!

Jenni S. said...

LOL! Oh she is funny!