Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Today I was feeling sorry for myself. I don't know why, it's just a "me" thing to do. Oh wait, I remember now... because I easily forget all the blessings in my life... that's the reason. Plus, I'm on this medication which makes me feel emotionally weird.

Anyhoo... then I watched a snippet of "John and Kate plus Eight" (the couple with sextuplets and twins) and suddenly I had





Wow...what a great way to get me off my butt.


Janice said...

Seriously, I just don't know how they do it! I find taking care of me to be exhausting but 8 kids? I watch that show in complete awe...

bjbmom said...

Hi Emily!
My mom send me your New Year's card and I saw your blog address on there. I wanted to say hi. This is the best site ever. I've never been here before. Before I read any of your posts, I want to ask you if it is okay to read.
I hope you are doing well. I have a son (Bready) and he is 18 months now. He is too cute. Well miss you and sorry it's been so long since we've been in touch. Love Molly (Bready) Buckley
email me if you'd like :)
ps. the picture of your daughter on your card is so adorable. She is a very beautiful little girl!

Short Stop said...

We like that show. It helps give us major doses of perspective!