Monday, February 11, 2008

I'm Game

Okay, Janice... here goes:

"I recently got “tagged” for a game unique to the blogging world. It’s called…………um……..well……I guess I don’t really know what the official name is. I think it’s referred to as “123,5,3 meme”, but I don’t know if that’s the actual name of the game. In any case, here’s how it’s played: You grab the closest book and turn to page 123. Then you skip the first 5 sentences on the page, and post the next 3. "

Here's my paragraph:
"A baby survives a plane crash and is adopted by wolves? He grows to manhood as a member of the pack, learning to communicate without words? It could happen, you tell yourself, because you're having such a good time learning what comes next."

From "The Reader's Choice: 200 Book Club Favorites" by Victoria Golden McMains

I tag Kris, Becky, Andrea, Sheryl and Dan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I already played! Looks like you're not actually reading my blog! The truth comes out! (It's OK though, I'm pretty sure no one actually reads my blog.) :)