Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Day Nine: What I Love About Morgan

Number Nine: Compassion.

Morgan has a very sensitive and compassionate heart.

She doesn't like to see her parents sad. She has made me many beautiful pictures (rainbows, mostly) when I've been going through difficult times.

She loves to feed and clothe her baby dolls.

She would love a pet.

When she sees a younger child, she loves to take him/her by the hand and walk with them.

When she prays at night, she prays for people she loves.

I'm so grateful for her compassion.


trevsmom said...

Ditto to all of those except Trevor doesn't do babies, rather dogs, and yes, they all blankets and "homemade beds". He doesn't draw me pictures yet, but then again I have typically sheltered him from my sad emotions lately and Dan, well he is always happy. When Trevor sees babies he immediately gravitates towards them, kinda like his daddy and his grandpa. He is so interested in babies and gets right now to their level...chatting it up. Maybe Trev and Morgan should get could be an interesting get together, I'd love to see who would take charge. :-)

Sittintall said...

That is a wonderful characteristic. She'll certainly go far in life with a heart full of compassion.