Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Confession Time: I have a strong willed daughter.

It was bound to happen. Dan is freakishly intelligent. I am an overly-emotional artsy type. Poor thing had little left to work with in the genetic code. Her options were: Not being born or Strong Willed Child. (For all my balking, I'm glad she "chose" the latter.)

This strong will has put somewhat of a damper on our family life. And, as much as I can joke about it, the plain truth is that it is just plain difficult at times.

Cue solution: I am currently reading a very interesting book: You Can't Make Me, But I Can Be Persuaded by Cynthia Tobias.

The book lets the parent reader know that:
1. They are not alone. Many strong willed children exist.
2. Parents of the Strong Willed Child (SWC) will age more quickly than other parents; invest in wrinkle cream.
3. Parents of SWCs probably won't want to continue producing offspring
4. There is very little one can do to change the mind of a SWC.

For some reason, I spent the first years of my life judging helpless mothers as they carted screaming children through grocery stores. Then, I became a parent. More correctly, I became that parent. Now I give those parents reassuring glances in the store. Been there.

If you are wondering if you have a SWC, simply take this test:
Does traditional discipline work on your child? It won't on a SWC.
When you tell your child that they have earned a "time out", do they say, "bring it on"?
Do you have more confiscated toys in your bedroom than your child does in her bedroom?

If so, then join me, gentle reader in this journey of parenting. Pick up a book or two on the strong willed personality. I don't have the answers, but I'm willing to learn them.

According to this book, I may be raising a "born leader". (That's their way of putting a positive spin on it.) Maybe. But right now I don't care who she leads. I just care who she follows.


Sittintall said...

Maybe I should invest in that book. Kyra has her occasional tantrum, but overall she is a very even tempered child. Katie however does not respond to discipline, laughs when I tell her "no", and tests the limits to the very end. She is definitely a SWC (but I love her to death). Good thing they do so many funny/cute things to compensate for their mischevious behavior.

trevsmom said...

Dear Fellow SWC parents, yes yes dearest Trevor is strong willed as well. Interesting you say raising a leader Em...b/c is all I have ever said regarding Trevor is I how that someday all his determination and persistence will take him somewhere good. Somehow I know God can use this characteristic for HIS GLORY! :)I haven't started reading it yet, but have just borrowed, "The strong willed child from our church library. I will let you know if I learn anything good. There are some mornings when he wakes me up pretty much trying to control me. Those are days when I pray extremely hard that I will have the persistence/stubborness to stick to my guns and be consistent with my discipline. A few days back, I just looked at him and said, "seriously dude, please just obey Mommy today, c'mom". Ya know what he said back to me...."Mom don't say seriously to me". Lovely, yes lovely. Both Dan and I are also strong willed, so maybe we have just a double doesed SWC. :-) Shall my prayers contain a clause, "Please grant us another child, who isn't SW'd?" I will always listen to any troubles you might have about SWC and hey maybe we will keep each sane through it all!

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