Saturday, February 9, 2008

Sunday Eve

I've never been able to put into words why I am keep allowing myself to potentially become pregnant or lose a pregnancy. A well meaning friend told me to stop trying. And if that were God's answer for me, I would accept it reluctantly, eventually.

This week a really interesting article on mourning arrived in The Banner magazine. The situation of the author is different, but the sentiment is the same.

Then I read this lovely paragraph that she wrote. I cut it out and put it in my hope journal. She says it so well:

"My courage to love despite loss comes from God's own courage to love us. God is astonished and wounded by our utter rejection.

He mourns.

And he keeps loving.

We learn to mimic God because we are in love, and we joyfully shout to him, 'Father, look at us, we're alive!'"

Blessed are those who mourn, who lose, who love; they will be comforted.

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