Saturday, February 23, 2008

Room with a View

Hearing about Kris lately reminded me that we are not alone:

A few weeks ago Morgan threw such a big tantrum in her room that all her toys were nearly covering her carpet. I took a page out of my friend Beth's book and decided to confiscate them. I had Morgan help me fill trash bags with her stuff.

Each bag had one "set" of toys in it: one bag for doll house stuff, one for doll clothes, etc. I put the bags in the empty bedroom across the hall from her and told her that she had to earn them back. Each day I would give her a chore, such as folding clothes, which would earn her one bag.

Her room was instantly cleaner. Nicer even. We could breathe. We stepped on toys less often.

The toys in the other room were really not missed. In fact, she has only earned back one thing, which was her clothes hamper. (Yes, I even took away the clothes hamper.) And the weird thing is, it was HER choice to earn back her clothes hamper first.

My plan was to help my daughter control her temper. But it has been having an added benefit. Looks like these toys will be "promoted" to basement status. They're nice toys, just a little much for her room.

And if they're not used in the basement either, then I'll give them away. There is no sense in keeping toys just to have "stuff" for kids to play with. Besides, the friends Morgan has love to play with legos and other "building" toys when they come over. Why do I overstimulate them with this clutter?


trevsmom said...

Hey Em, We too got rid of a bunch of toys recently, it was glorious. I also did a toys swap with my sister. I carefully choose the toys that were taking up the most room to give to her and then.....I forgot the toys at her house that I was supposed to borrow from her. How convenient! Anywhoo....get idea to earn back her toys.

Anonymous said...

Hey Em, that is a great idea and a great post. Good parenting, sis. :)

I love you!