Monday, February 11, 2008

Day Four: What Love About Morgan

Day Four: Her Creativity

It's a little difficult to write today's "What I Love About Morgan". She is currently enduring a time-out in her room. This time offers a few minutes to do my blog, but I'm obviously conflicted: I'm writing a blog about why I love my daughter while at the same time struggling to do so. :) Ah, motherhood.

However, Morgan is creative no matter what our relationship is at the moment. When we were moving, she found the packing peanuts and produced a "Christmas in May" theme in our living room. At first I was upset, but then I realized that I had 1) packed a bunch of her toys and 2) this was something NEW to play with... naturally she'd love them. For days, she scooped them in buckets and had, well, buckets of fun.

This morning she asked me if I'd like a watch. She then proceeded to apply an address label to my wrist (what is her infatuation with address labels?) and then put a round sticker on top of it.

She loves crafts, anything pink and purple, glitter glue and stickers. For Christmas, her favorite toys were probably the stickers and paper products she received. Ah, the gift that keeps on giving.

1 comment:

Short Stop said...

She is definitely a creative one! So did you ask for my address so that you could mail her to us?? We'll take her!! ;)