Friday, February 1, 2008

Snow Day

If you're in Illinois, you know that school is closed today. I found this out online.

The also broadcast it on radio, TV and by Harry Potter's owl, Hedwig. It was pretty darn impossible to say, "By jove! I had no idea there was a chance that school would be cancelled today. No idea whatsoever."

Nevertheless,.. I'm one smart Sherlock. School is closed.

When I was a kid, I sat as close to the radio as possible on snow day mornings (remember the turn dial "radio"?), waiting to hear, "Montgomery County schools closed". Happy dances would ensue.
We'd eat fresh snow with syrup drizzled on top. (This was before the acid rain scare.)
We'd make scoliosis-bound snowmen.
And we'd have those awful knit mittens that had a long yarn (about a yard long) attached between them so that you wouldn't lose your mittens. (If you have no idea what this is, put on a jacket and then pull some barbed wire through both arms and behind your back.) I didn't feel too uncomfortable unless you really pulled forward and could feel the yarn tug.
But we didn't care. It was a snow day, confound it, and we were going to have some cold, wet fun.

Today, when I hear "snow day", I know that Morgan won't be going to preschool. I'm not groaning, but I'm not doing the happy dance either. I'm a *gulp* parent.

This also means: First, acid rain, schmacid rain. Eat the syrup snow, kiddo.
Next, snowmen are still cool. Snow on my hardwood floors is not.
Thirdly, they don't even MAKE those mittens with the ouchy attachment anymore. However, I would be in favor of anything that would 1) keep mittens on my daughter and 2) have her suffer similarly. Builds character.

In short, it's a snow day. I predict wet hardwoods, pink cheeks and hot cocoa.


Anonymous said...

As a kid we were spoiled. On Long Island, school would close for 1/2 an inch of snow - or at least be delayed 2 hours! School would close all the time!
Then came Calvin and the MI weather where the snow was 5 feet deep and I STILL had to go to school! WHAT!?
Have fun today! I remember being a kid and having Marc as my older brother - boy the trouble we got into and the fun we had :)

Unknown said...

School in Iowa would close all the time, too...but only after five feet of rapidly-drifting snow would force the school buses to retreat to the bus barns. Remember - if you make the attempt to have school and fail, it still counts as a day! That's why the school year in Iowa generally ended in mid-May. Hooray!

Kris said...

We love snow days, too. Today has turned out to be one of the best ones for us...

Unknown said...

Duct Tape will keep those mittens on.

Anonymous said...

The reason you can't find those mittens is because I made them for you - and LOVINGLY attached a crocheted string to them so they wouldn't get lost:)
Dear child - wait till Morgan starts telling stories on you!
I love you - Momma