Thursday, February 21, 2008

Survival of the Fattest

Dan has been gone for two days. It's not bad.

When he told Morgan, "Honey, I'm going to California" she didn't know what to say.

Then she retorted: "Sorry, California is closed today." I felt the same way.

I'm becoming one of the seasoned masses of stay-at-homers who are learning to put away anything more than "survival mode" when hubby is out of town. Dinner is PB&J or Cheerios. Or McDonalds.

I've been to McDonalds for at least 3 meals in the past 2 days. I think I heard my stomach actually "yelp" when it saw the golden arches again. I'm grateful for food, don't get me wrong, but sometimes good old McD's is hard on the adult system. Yes, even the salads. I swear I've gained 5 pounds since he left.

As I reread this post, I can see that this may be construed as complaining. My point wasn't really to complain but to acknowledge that I have adjusted, wised-up, if you will, to the single-parent role. I'm a bit proud of myself for keeping it simple. The artist in me wants everything to be *beautiful* and *perfect* and *inspiring*, but the mommy in me knows to tone it down.

Besides, I'll get back to those artistic things. One day.

For now, I'm raising someone far more interesting than anything in my portfolio.


andrea said...

A little splash of paint here, a daub there, stroke in the middle, and a whoops! of a smudge on the corner...even a masterpiece of a painting likely has a few errors. You're raising a masterpiece of a little girl!

Sittintall said...

I have a hard time when my hubs is just gone 2 evenings in a row, let alone gone for 2 complete days. You are doing a great job. Morgan is gettin plenty of lovin, you can tell by many of the carefree, smily, pictures that you show.

Kris said...

It is tough goin' on your own! Good for you for seeing what it's really about!