Monday, February 11, 2008

Half. Marathon.

My sister has invited me to run the Chicago Half Marathon with her in September. Isn't she awesome?

I love spending time with sis. We're several (unmentionable) years apart, but the older we get, the closer we get. The more we relate.

Naturally I was excited about the invitation.

And then I read it again: Half marathon. Half. Marathon. Marathon?

You might as well say: Earn half a degree at Harvard. Perform half a heart surgery. Build half a car. I can do the first part, the "half" part, it's the caboose of that statement that gives me the trouble.

Half can be fun: "Halvies" is great with some chocolate decadent dessert.

But when you talk "half marathon"... I don't know.

You inspire me, Bex. Let me think about it.


Short Stop said...

Do it, do it, do it!!!

We'll come cheer you on! :)

Janice said...

I am so jealous, y'all have to do it! I have always wanted to run half or whole marathon. It will be an awesome accomplishment and something you and becky will always remember.
PS. i too think the number of years between my friend becky and i should be unmentionable... i am a few months from you and too many years from her!

Anonymous said...

how did i miss this post? i didn't see it in the midst of all the morgan posts... but i will say, that you can TOTALLY do a half marathon sister. maybe not this month with all the stuff you're going through... but soon. i believe in you. :)

also, being 2 years older than me is NOT unmentionable. ;)