Monday, February 25, 2008


This weekend I joined the community gym for a month. It's great...I get out of the house, pound out any stress on a treadmill and *sometimes* I get to watch the gym TV.

Today was the first time I took Morgan with me. For a nominal fee, they have a small gym for kids where they can work out their stress (ahahhaaa) for an hour. Morgan loved it.

Our community center is attached to our library, so afterwards, Morgan and her sweaty momma hit the books.

(Side note: When you go to the library or use anything "community" related, do you feel really good inside? I do. I feel like I've done something "green and earthy" or watched my tax dollars at work.)

Upon entering the building, Morgan pronounced the librarian a "really big fat lady". She didn't say it with malice, just as a point of fact. And she was right. Nevertheless my mothering skills kicked in and I educated her in the school of nice.

We came home, grilled a cheese sandwich for her and some soup and just plain enjoyed each other.

Ordinarily I would feel a tad guilty for, well, doing anything for me. But I accept the gift that it was. Time for relieving some stress. A low key morning with my daughter. Going to the library.

I was talking to a friend recently who said that her mother was always busy doing errands and chores. She wished her mother was more available. For sitting and chatting. For playing.

I can't say that I'll be as available for Morgan as she'd like, but I have learned that when I take care of myself, I'm better able to take care of her.

Let's hope it works. :)


A girl who loves said...

Hmmm. See my blog. Looks like we were both thinking the same thing. Wanna take a yoga class? (read blog).

andrea said...

Sounds like it worked at least one day!

Short Stop said...

I'm so glad you did this today, Em. It sounds like a great Mommy/daughter day!

I don't want to be the I'm-always-running-errands-and-busy kind of mom. But, it seems there's a lot of pressure to always be "doing" something with kids these days.

I like doing simple things with you did today...and just being home!