Wednesday, July 25, 2007


My in-laws just left this morning. Morgan wasn't too pleased about their leaving, which always does a mother's heart good: she likes her relatives.

But they didn't leave without giving us gifts; my father-in-law made Morgan two posts with 3 bird houses/feeders. One of the feeders is specifically for goldfinches which he put in our backyard. Sure enough, this afternoon I caught sight of two beautifully bright yellow birds pecking at the seed. My f-i-l knows a lot about birds. He has approximately 10-15 birdfeeders and houses on his property which he tends with loving care. When I was first married and visiting their Iowa abode I witnessed a bird actually sit on my f-i-l's hand when he went outside. I dubbed him "St. Francis of Assisi" after that.

We are also the proud new owners of a hummingbird feeder. This stirs up a funny story in me: My mother had a hummingbird feeder outside the kitchen window which she would monitor regularly. One particular summer we must have had an onslaught of them because we were filling the container daily. Turns out that our "bird" was a 2 year old red head neighbor. He thought it was Kool Aid and kept drinking it; the evidence was all over his face and chest. We got a chuckle out of that. Sure hope that kiddo doesn't have diabetes now as a result.

I don't think we'll ever have as many feeders as my f-i-l, but for now, it's fun to watch the beauty in our backyard.

**Please note: I finally figured out how to link urls. I'm using a Firefox browser instead of the standard Mac Safari browser. Thanks to Kris Wise for this tip.


Unknown said...

Firefox rules. Welcome to the club. But, btw - your link includes 2 http and thus doesn't work. Might want to edit that.

Kris said...

Glad to help! And I love the story about the kid who loves "koolaid!"

Emily Dykstra said...
