Sunday, July 1, 2007

Home Sweet Home Survey

I have another survey question. I enjoyed reading people's responses so much to the last survey that I thought I'd throw another one out there. I know a lot of you are off on vacation this week, but maybe when you return you can post a thought.

My question is: What do you do to make your house feel like "home sweet home"? It could be about food, your pet, traditions, etc. Whatever you want.

My answer: Even though my house still is not very organized, I really enjoying lighting candles on a clean dinner table every night and playing music in the living room. It makes me feel like there is some peace in the house.


A girl who loves said...

I always make everyone sit down for dinner, especially on Sundays, and we and have it together. If my husband comes home too late, we sit down for dessert!

A girl who loves said...

Oh, and fresh flowers whenever I can.

Short Stop said...

I like to keep a fresh bowl of fruit on my kitchen counter or island. I love the way it fresh and clean, even if life around me isn't! :)

Kris said...

I don't clean. I looks lived in. Just kidding...I think pillows and blankets always make things kinda cozy.