Thursday, August 16, 2007


DAY FOUR: Financial Responsibility-ness

(It IS a word, I tell ya.)

When I first met Dan, I was a poor struggling single woman who had a hard time understanding how to budget. After we had been dating a while, he offered to help me put together a budget. He didn't make fun of my low salary. He showed me how I could work it. He was even positive about it and made me feel good about my financial decisions.

In our marriage, he has maintained a somewhat old-fashioned notion that we don't spend what we don't have. Laughing... it may look ridiculous to most people, but that is why I still drive an old Toyota Corolla. It's paid for. One day soon we hope to get a minivan, but for now, it's the Corolla.

He taught me about responsible debt (mortgage) and irresponsible debt (meaningless spending on the credit card just for the sake of spending).

Considering that financial trouble is one of the main stressors in marriage, I'm glad that my husband has a good head on his shoulders for, er, "financial responsibility-ness".


Short Stop said...

Amen to this! Jason has taught me many of the same things (the business/finance degree sure came in handy at home!) Now, if I can only get that minivan, too. :)

Anonymous said...



Emily Dykstra said...

Dear Younger Sister (aka "becky")-

When you get older, your aesthetics will change. Instead of Abercrombie, you'll gush over Eddie Bauer. Instead of PF Changs, you'll be happy with McDonalds.

Yes, I want a minivan. And I'm proud of it. ;)


A girl who loves said...

I think that is why Kurt gave me a "shoe fund" ie mad money budget...

Clever boy.

Now it is a Jack "shoe fund".

Ah, all the money goes to the kids.

What happened to the $10 martini on Sat nights?