Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Lobotomy, please.

I have a confession: I have been avoiding my blog.

It's not that I don't have anything to write. It's just that everything I have to write seems to fall in one of three catgeories:
1. Too complainy to write about
2. Too complicated to write about
3. Too boring to write about (even I don't want to hear about it... why would anyone want to read it?)

Example: Dan left for work this morning and as he was pulling out of the garage we discovered that someone keyed the hood of his car. Grrrr. MORE insurance work? Dan was too tired to deal with it and will probably just patch it up himself.

Throughout the day you'll find me giving myself pep talks while addressing insurance issues (medical, home, etc.)

Em's Angel: "You can do it, Em... You can see that even though this salesperson is not making sense and trying to talk you under the table, you can still treat them with respect."

Em's Devil: "NO. You deserve better. This ignoramus better fork over some compensation for having to put in a THIRD dishwasher. Go for the jugular!"

And then there's the "What would Jesus do?" question. What would Jesus do? Jesus would install a state of the art dishwasher with a snap of his fingers and simultaneously call hellfire and brimstone on the Mr. Schmoozy Salesperson. That's what Jesus would do.

*sigh* Okay, okay. He wouldn't do that last part. Just the first part.

So please, gentle friends, tell me good things to think about. I need a shift in thinking.


Sheryl said...

Aw Em! I feel for you. When it rains it pours and you get frustrated! I KNOW!!!

Let's see - good health; great friends; Alex; Morgan; husbands that love, love, love; never ending love from God; Alex; Morgan; the sunshine; the beautiful blue sky; a delicious meal; Alex; Morgan; turning 30 in 2 weeks; lots of music; peanut butter; Alex; Morgan......does that help a little? :)

Emily Dykstra said...

Thanks, Sheryl! That's a great list.

You're turning 30 in TWO WEEKS? Thirty is SO much better than the 20s... er... even though my recent post would be evidence to the contrary. Thirties are better.