Thursday, August 9, 2007

The House that Smack Built

My oh my. I knew today would be a doozy. Several times before noon today I asked that if Jesus came back soon he would come back on a day like today.

It's too late to write for entertainment. Here it is in a nutshell:

1. By jove, it was the sump pump. A plumber replaced it in 15 minutes. Apparently builders don't install the highest quality. Who knew?

2. The water is somewhat gone from the basement, but the rugs are, you know... rugs. Absorbent. Cleaner coming tomorrow along with insurance adjuster.

3. Got the dishwasher installed. It's not working quite right so they'll put in a new one in a week. Laughing... when the installers told me that it was defective, I started laughing and belted out a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday" to myself. (The dishwasher is part of my birthday present.) The guys looked a little confused, but gave a courtesy smile.

4. Purple toe.

Now my husband likes to say that "it could always be worse". Sometimes he says this at inopportune times when I want to belt him, but I'll try to see the positive:

1. Morgan is still potty trained.

2. I'm married to an amazingly man.

3. The purple hue that my toe has taken is quite lovely. I like purple.

4. I have some amazing friends who will take care of Morgan tomorrow while I get jiggy with insurance.


Mary@notbefore7 said...

UGH! So sorry to hear all of this. Keep focused on that bright side. What a rough day.

andrea said...

I'm rooting for you (and that's the cheery sort of raw-raw-shish-boom-ba type; not the roto-rooter type).

Short Stop said...

What a day! I'm with you on this one...there have been a few times that I've prayed for the rapture on days like this! :):) Like the day Jack took off his diaper and decided to paint with the contents all over his room, and Jason was out of town, and Max was a newborn, and...! Surely, it will occur while someone is having a day like one of these! :)

Sheryl said...

Good for you w/ the positive attitude! When a bunch happens like this I always say "when it rains it pours" and usually it's a quick storm...This too shall pass and life will be back to normal!!

Kris said...

You go and get jiggy with it!

Anonymous said...

You've always looked lovely in purple, sis... :)

But seriously, I'll pray for you and Dan and The Squish. You're doing a GREAT job!