Saturday, August 11, 2007

Good Night

Dan and I have been out of whack all week.

You know- W.H.A.C.K. Wife and Husband Attack Chaos Kunundrum

We've been playing the invisible game of spousal tennis, swatting at this problem and that. And the score ain't love, let me tell you. Our conversations this week have been somewhat sporadic:

Dan's communication with me have been related to waterfalls in our basement. His deep bass voice has taken octaves that I haven't heard him reach in a while- roughly two octaves above middle C.

My communications with him have mostly been rants about the universe and why I can't see my fertility doc, why my toe took a nose dive and why everything seems to be malfunctioning at once.

So our communications to each other have been either very animated or very tired. Not very normal. Energy draining you might say.

But tonight, as all the planets in God's great sky aligned, Dan and I did something amazing.
We smiled at each other.
Then we went out for ice cream as a family.
And in a rare spousal eclipse, we both agreed on how to decorate our new living room– the room which currently gives evidence to the Big Bang theory of creation.

It's a good night, friends. It's a good night.

1 comment:

andrea said...

God is good; even if & when he uses the big bang theory to create things!