Friday, August 17, 2007


DAY THREE: Good Communicator/Fights Fairly

Dan doesn't yell. He simply doesn't consider it a reasonable way to communicate.

Early on in our marriage, I spent too much on something. I honestly expected him to yell at me. My body braced for it.

All he said to me was, "Emily, I'm really disappointed. I think you spent too much."


"You're not going to yell at me?" I asked.

He replied, "What? No. I don't yell. I didn't grow up yelling and I don't want it in our family."

Without disparaging my upbringing, I have to confess that when 7 people share an abode, there is bound to be some "loud sharing of thoughts".

Dan fights fairly. He doesn't yell. He doesn't bring up the past. His only thought is how we can resolve the issue amicably.


Short Stop said...

I yell. It's not good. And, I sound ridiculous. I'm with you, growing up my case...11 people in the house, there was yelling. Jason doesn't yell. Don't even think I've ever heard him yell once.

Another good quality of Dan's. I love reading these, Em!

Emily Dykstra said...

Hi, Sar-

I yell at times. Dan has made sure that we don't make it a habit in our family.

I'm glad Jason doesn't yell. He's a good man, Sar. A good man.