Friday, August 24, 2007

Ode to Brownie

Brownie: Good or Evil?

If a brownie is cooked correctly (part fudgy, part cakey) then you can't possibly cut it smoothly. Any cut into a sheet of freshly cooked brownie will result in a crumbly, yet devastatingly moist edge. The boundaries lines between one brownie and the next are at best jagged.

The innocent "Oh, just one brownie" taste leads to the "Oh just one more." Lured by a chocolate induced coma, even the most self-controlled of us is forced to reckon with the hazy grid: Where does one brownie end and the next begin? The boundary-less decadence takes the eater down a slippery slope of conscience numbing noshing. At last, pleading with the scales to keep the secret, the guilty gorger slides into a happy state of seratonin.

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