Saturday, August 18, 2007


DAY TWO: Great Voice

Many friends may not know this, but I fell in love with Dan's voice before I even met him. He was singing behind me in chapel at Calvin College, where we both attended. Throughout chapel I kept thinking, "Mmmm... what a voice!"

After chapel concluded, I looked behind me and fortune smiled*: a voice AND good looks. My resident assistant was sitting next to Dan. They were friends. Pretending to say hello to my R.A., I went over and struck up a conversation. Dan and I were introduced and became fast friends.

We didn't actually start dating until after we both graduated from Calvin, but that's another story.

I fell in love with his voice. I still love it.

*"fortune smiled"- a Dan term


Short Stop said...

Echo, Echo! He definitely has one of those voices that demands attention!

I've told you this before, but SO many people commented on his reading at our wedding! "Who was that reader? Did you hire a professional?" HAHA..."No, we just have really cool friends!"

Sheryl said... was the actual anniversary?? Hope it was great - congratulations :)