Monday, August 13, 2007

Anniversary Week: DAY SIX

DAY SIX: Humor

I like cynicism and Dan is full of cynical humor. He has a way of making a terrible situation into a very funny one with his off the wall humor.

Example: The hymn "In the Garden" is one that I can't sing in church without Dan making me laugh. He mimes a beer swigging singer as we hash through the chorus: "and he walks with me and he talks with me". I know it's one of those cherished oldies, but I can't seem to find any reverence in that song b/c of my incredibly funny husband.


Short Stop said...

I can totally see Dan doing this. Jason said "I think I remember him doing this at church once!" LOL!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Cute idea...countdown to the anniversary! Clearly your husband has a good sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

Dan? Funny? Hmm...

Well, OK, I'll give you THIS ONE... his gingerbread cookies were funny. But then again, everyone in the McD household makes funny gingerbread cookies. STILL... Dan's definitely beat other suitors (i.e. Glen. Poor, sweet Glen, with his argyle-sweater-vest-wearing-gingerbread-men. Sigh.) ;)

Oh, there's more to come!

Betty Miller said...

OK, you just ruined this hymn for me too...giggles as we 'walk and talk' . (that's the rythm of the song - never thought about it ahhh slingin' cold beer_)