Thursday, August 2, 2007

August is... Health Month!

Don't call Oprah. And no, you won't find any Hallmark cards for this one... I self-dubbed August "Health Month".

I have a friend (who I'll leave unnamed unless she says otherwise) who is a fertility sidekick for me. We've both had a trying year. The medical community would call our situation "yucky". In any case, August is our "be good to self" month.

Here's how you know if you're in need of health changes:

1. If you consider walking to the laundry room your "exercise" for the week.
2. If you eat only when standing or moving.
3. If you fall asleep reading every night and have been on the same book chapter for 3 months.
4. If you remember (to the ounce!) how much medication your husband or child needs but can't for the life of you remember to take your vitamins.
5. If the only magazines you read have titles that include "home", "garden", "weight loss" or "easy dinners".
6. If your idea of a new recipe is trying a new brand of hotdogs.
7. If you munch food you don't really want when on the phone... because its there.

Here's some of my goals for health month:
- Exercise 20-30 minutes 3 times a week.
- To take my vitamins every day.
- To be good to my body: rest when necessary. (I drive myself too hard in household work and need to reserve energy for other reading.)
- Eat sitting down, not in front of the kitchen countertop.
- Eat more slowly. (For the love of Pete- it takes Morgan a good 30-45 minutes to eat. What's the rush?)

Other options for health month:
- Encourage HUMOR (movies, etc.) (I LOVE the movie "Spanglish".)
- Read good things that don't have to do with domesticity. (Currently reading "Company Car".)
- Make a new recipe of something healthy
- And once in a while, to take the new healthy recipe I just made and put a stick of butter in it.

So there you have it: Health Month. Be good to yourselves, friends.


Short Stop said...

Can I start tomorrow?...I just ate Ho-Ho's for breakfast. Oops!

Sheryl said...

Love it. I hope to be healthy myself this month! Perhaps w/ the stress of the old home and moving, etc and all that behind me soon, I'll be healthy again!
Great post! :)

Kris said...

Sounds good! I just started exercising this week, too! I love the recipe with a "stick of butter," sounds like that Paula Deen from the Food network!