Monday, August 13, 2007


Tonight I was hurrying to get Morgan to bed. I was eager to rest and take a relaxing bath. She had just bathed, dressed and I was in the process of reading her nightly ration of 3 books. The theme of the first two books was "best friends", a concept that I don't think she had ever thought of.

"Do you have a best friend, Morgan?" I asked her.

I'll never forget her response.

She nodded, smiled and pointed shyly at me. "You are."

*sigh* So this is why people become parents.


Morgan: "Mom, can you show me my brain?"

Emily: (Pointing to the top of her head) "It's right here, Morgan. Right here."

Morgan: "No, I mean the insides. I want to see my brain."


Short Stop said...

She is the sweetest. She loves her Momma! :):)

Brain...just show her Dan! LOL! :)

andrea said...

Wow! She's a thinker...and she LOVES you!

Sheryl said...

That just melted my heart!! :)