Thursday, August 30, 2007


I don't know of any man who doesn't feel inundated by his wife with "honey do" lists.

"Honey, please hang my new pictures on the wall."

"Honey, please fix the leak in the bathroom."

"Honey, please cut the grass."

The list is never ending.

In an effort to encourage my husband that a) I don't need everything I say at once and b) The list in my head IS somewhat organized, I found an online help: On this site, you can post lists and share it with others. On my list, I included due dates and prices of things. Aren't I a good wife? (*ahem- Chime in ANYTIME, dear.)

At the very least, dear husband can see that the list in my head, albeit large, has somewhat of an end in sight. I'm not trying to work him to the bone. *sigh* It just works out that way. Besides, if he weren't so durn talented, I wouldn't have to solicit his help. (Enter Damsel in Distress face here.)

So hub, meet gubb.

1 comment:

Short Stop said...

I just got to looking at SO cool. I need to go play with it! I'm a list freak. It's like a listaholics dream!!! :)