Thursday, August 30, 2007

Mirror, mirror

It's been a little difficult to live in my house lately. I don't mean it in the roof-leaking, no-electricity sort of way. I mean it purely in the American dream, Pottery Barn catalog, forget about the other needs in the world sort of way.

I want stuff.

I know, I know. It sounds so trivial and shallow of me. But for the past 5 months I have been "decorating" with corrugated cardboard boxes and using my "homemaking" money towards more important things... like funding the salaries of fertility docs, who are a charity all their own, let me tell ya.

But this past week, I did something that I do once in a while: I prayed about our decor. I know, it's lame, right? Well, not really. If anyone does any investigating into the building of the Tabernacle, they'll see that God cares an awful lot about beauty and precision.

The design problem I was having was that ever since we bought this home, I haven't been able to figure out what to do with our 2-story ceiling in the living room. Everything I put above the mantle looks dwarfed in size. I need something BIG.

So, last week Dan and I were window shopping in Restoration Hardware and we saw this beautiful mirror on clearance for, in mirror terms, a pittance. One can easily spend $600 on a classic large mirror. I had already been saving up my shekels dollars toward this effort. And this one was one super duper discount. They couldn't sell us their mirror at the Naperville location, but they found one in the city which we will pick up on Saturday. It's 4 feet x 6 feet! Here's a rough image of it, but ours will be black.

So, in keeping with my Jewish themed post, I said "Oy vey! We'll take it!" As of Saturday, I will be completely happy with our decor. For an hour. ;)


Short Stop said...

You'll have to post a picture when you get it!! :)

You are not alone in this struggle, Em. I think it is awesome that you took it to God in prayer. It's not lame at all...but a reflection of your faith in knowing that God cares about beauty and He made you to care about it, too!

Sheryl said...

I guess I never thought to pray about such things! Having just moved into a LARGE 3 bedroom place, I have very little stuff...I want stuff too. But I can't afford it...and I get bummed. But I think, I can't pray about THIS!?!
But you've proven me wrong. I'd like to now take my decorating woes to God!
Thanks Emily and congrats on the majorly discounted mirror!

Sittintall said...

I'm sure so many people struggle with this issue. You want nicer things in your house, but feel guilty for asking or wanting them in fear of being vain. We've lived in an old farm house for 7 years now, and have fixed many of the rooms up, but all of our walls are blank. I would so love to buy some of these big fancy pictures to decorate our home. I'm sure you are very excited for your large purchase to arrive. Way to go.

Kris said...

I feel ya girl. Good for you for praying for it. I can't wait to see your new purchase. What will happen to your ultra-cool word pictures now?? I loved those!

Emily Dykstra said...

Hi, Kris-

Those word posters look most excellent in the hallway which leads to our office. They have a bigger presence there. :)

Short Stop said...

What are these ultra-cool word pictures?...I MUST know!

Emily Dykstra said...

Oh, I see.

Sarah, I'll have to post a photo later. It's a little hard to explain. I needed some home art so I took art supplies in hand.