Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I got backup! Tomorrow the grandparents are marching into town to help with the squirt. Dan is a bit out of pocket lately, so they generously offered to enjoy countless stories, have someone pilfer things from their suitcases and question why their toothbrush is wet when they haven't used it yet.

Okay, okay... they didn't agree exactly to those terms, but as far as I'm concerned, they agreed to watch Morgan which pretty much assumes that whatever they bring into this house is fair game.

My Bose Sounddock would disagree, but it's still recovering from the orange marker my daughter drew all over its speakers yesterday. And, in answer to your question, yes, that does seem a bit juvenile for a FOUR year old to be doing. Which is why backup is coming.

Also, in other news, I have been on my feet for about 5 days now! I'm not eating a lot of normal food yet. And strangely, my stomach has somewhat shrunk in recent months, which you wouldn't know from the weight I've put on. My mouth says, "More! More!" but le stomach says, "Ain't no way, baby!" But... the point is... there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Additionally, the Associated Press called and wanted to do a story with me on how to gain weight while eating mostly processed food. Apparently, it's pretty abnormal to gain weight on said diet. *wink, wink*


Short Stop said...

YAY...they're coming!

Oh, that Morgan. I love her!

Jenni S. said...

LOL - sounds like you're having an adventurous week. If the AP needs another source, I just finished off a Krispy Kreme donut and am headed to the cupboard for Chips Ahoy. You know, because we're all about health in our house.

Kris said...

Yee Haw! Here's hoping for more good days ahead!